Brushwood is an almost impenetrable kind of vegetation, it’s the kind of nature that resists the human touch, and so allows other life forms a haven. As a painter the word ‘brushwood’ offers a play with words; brush-wood. The inner images are painted into woods of brush strokes, let loose in a land on the linen surface.
War. Pandemic. Climate change. Inflation. At the core of our time there is crisis. And in the midst of this crisis there are countries, cities and villages. There are people. There are swimming pools. There is space. There is care. There is love. There is art. There is a free world. There is a city called Tirana. A Gallery called Gallery70.
Under the skin
In this perspective the “abstract” is real, it is part of our body, of the creation, before it is what we know: the opposite of concrete or figurative. What we label as abstract, even in art, proves that we do not know the essence of that thing, as what we call “coincidence” proves our nescience about the cause.
Java e kultures Britanike
Prezantohet programi artistik i javës së kulturës britanike, që ka nisur në fakt me kriket dhe koncertin e Rita Orës në Tiranë. Ambasadori britanik thekson se kultura britanike këtë javë do të shkojë edhe në rrethe.
ArtMagnifier produced by Gallery70, is a series of short films featuring visual artists and it was supported by the Creative Producers programme developed by the British Council in the Western Balkans 4 #CreativeProducersWB Artmagnifier aims at becoming a platform that promotes artists, encourages cross discipline cooperations, facilitates international artist exchange and developes new audiences.
Gallery70 is happy to present a group show featuring artworks that present flowers and plants in full blooming. we embark in this beginning of 2022 with the positive energy and drive inspired by our artists.
Gallery70 on the media
OAS2021 is the second edition of the juried open call for young artists at Gallery70. This year marked an important step forward , bringing on board an International Curator and an International Jury
Art for Good Cause
Happy to share the emotions of the artevent and benefit evening auction 2021. This event, co-hosted by Gallery70 and the Embassy of Greece in Albania , in partnership with Anad and Visum Institute.