Booth GE4
For its participation in Discovery Art Fair Cologne, Gallery70 will feature the artists Martin Stommel (b.1969) DE and Jon Kraja (b.1970) AL , presenting artworks created during 2022 and 2023, exhibited for the first time to the public during the art fair.
Based in Tirana, Albania, Gallery70 is thrilled to have its premier institutional presentation in an art fair in Germany. This this duo show confirms our ambition to bridge dialogues between artists, proposing to the audience opportunities for discovery and new international encounters.
Gallery70 is delighted that the artist Maria Sarach of Circus Roncalli will visit the booth during the Fair.
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Gallery70 do të prezantohet në Discovery Art Fair Cologne Gjermani me dyshen e artistëve Martin Stommel (1969) dhe Jon Kraja (1970) . Artistët sjellin punë të krijuara gjatë viteve 2022 dhe 2023 që do ti prezantohen për herë të parë publikut.
Gallery70,që ushtron aktivitetin në Tiranë, është e lumtur që në këtë prezantim të parë institucional në një panair arti në Gjermani konfirmon ambicien e saj për të ndërtuar dialog midis artistëve të kombësive të ndryshme, duke i dhënë audiencës mundësi për të zbuluar dhe takuar artistë të rinj.
Kemi kënaqësinë që në ditët e panairit artistja Maria Sarach nga Cirku Roncalli do te vijë në stendën tonë për të vizituar portretin e saj .
Na vizitoni në Këln – Shkarkoni Ftesën tuaj Falas për dy personana>>
Martin Stommel
Maria Sarach
(Circus Roncalli)
Oil on Canvas
Martin Stommel (b.1969) is a painter from Rhineland, who studied at the Academies of Munich and Berlin (UdK) in the 90s and began soon to take up mythological motifs, illustrated Dante and, especially in the 2000s, occupied himself intensively with ancient writings and modern art theory. At the same time the world of opera and later on the circus became a source of stimulation for him. In his aesthetics at the beginning of the 2010s, his expressive gesture based on nature, his urge to deal with and interpret traditions of thought and representation and his desire for purely painterly, beauty-seeking independence combine to form a simultaneously baroque and reductive pictorial conception. In the past decade, Stommel has increasingly commented on current social issues in the guise of archaic situations or myths. His works have been featured in exhibitions mainly in Germany, but also in Austria, France, Italy, Albania and Mexico.
Martin Stommel
Abgewandter, Brush drawing with whitening 170 x 75 cm, 2023
Martin Stommel
Huntress 2022
Oil on canvas
84 × 53 cm
Jon Kraja
Symphony of Mockery
Acrylic on Paper
100 x 70cm
Jon Kraja (b.1970) is an Albanian artist, working on painting, sculpture, installation and set design. He emerged in the art scene in the 90ies, after the fall of communism in Albania, producing surprising concepts in set design and working on gestural large scale abstract and figurative painting . He is known for his personal constant research in identifying new ways of expression , experimenting on materials and media.
Jon Kraja is preoccupied by the unknown and the usefulness of lifeless objects. “I believe art is about one’s heart rather than one’s brain.” says him while asked to define his art .
Jon Kraja has exhibited in Albania, Italy, Greece, Germany, France, Netherlands, USA , Switzerland, Sweden, in solo and group exhibitions.
Jon Kraja
Symphony of Mockery
Acrylic on Canvas
Jon Kraja
Symphony of Mockery, Acrylic on Canvas 190 x 135 cm, 2023
Meet Jon Kraja
Meet Martin Stommel