Welcome to “TRASHëgim,” a playful site-specific installation at Gallery 70 by the German-Swedish artist brothers Christoph and Sebastian Mügge!
The exhibition’s title is a play on words, combining the Albanian word for legacy, “trashëgim,” with a less flattering English term. The installation explores the deeply personal, ambiguous, and often nostalgic feelings that arise when someone passes away—how we handle loss, cherish memories, and interpret the traces of a complex life. It also addresses universal questions of identity, shifting values, and the meanings we attach to objects from an estate. These items bear witness to the era and circumstances in which they were used, offering insights into the past that resonate with our present.
Albania’s iconic mushroom bunkers, built during Enver Hoxha’s regime, serve as a potent visual legacy within the exhibition. They embody both pride and shame, reflecting the complex emotions tied to the country’s communist past, making Albania’s bunkerization a powerful symbol for the exhibition´s topics. The exhibition also explores how these bunkers have been repurposed as tourist rentals, prompting reflection on how we transform historical burdens and the narratives we build around them.
What is truly worth preserving for future generations, and what is merely discarded as rubbish? Who decides the value of a heritage, and how do we confront personal and historical burdens, dark secrets, and untold stories?
The exhibition is kindly supported by Culture Moves Europe