

Christoph and Sebastian Mügge
 5.12.2024 > 04.01.2025 

Welcome to “TRASHëgim,” a playful site-specific installation at Gallery 70 by the German-Swedish artist brothers Christoph and Sebastian Mügge!
The exhibition’s title is a play on words, combining the Albanian word for legacy, “trashëgim,” with a less flattering English term. The installation explores the deeply personal, ambiguous, and often nostalgic feelings that arise when someone passes away—how we handle loss, cherish memories, and interpret the traces of a complex life. It also addresses universal questions of identity, shifting values, and the meanings we attach to objects from an estate. These items bear witness to the era and circumstances in which they were used, offering insights into the past that resonate with our present.
Albania’s iconic mushroom bunkers, built during Enver Hoxha’s regime, serve as a potent visual legacy within the exhibition. They embody both pride and shame, reflecting the complex emotions tied to the country’s communist past, making Albania’s bunkerization a powerful symbol for the exhibition´s topics. The exhibition also explores how these bunkers have been repurposed as tourist rentals, prompting reflection on how we transform historical burdens and the narratives we build around them.
What is truly worth preserving for future generations, and what is merely discarded as rubbish? Who decides the value of a heritage, and how do we confront personal and historical burdens, dark secrets, and untold stories?

The exhibition is kindly supported by Culture Moves Europe


Spectaculum II

Spectaculum II 
Jon Kraja
24.04 > 24.05.2024

On 25 April 2024 Gallery70,  opened the second exhibition of Spectaculum series by Jon Kraja .The works in view are filled with fragmented figures and abstractions.

The artist’s decision to present a monochromatic (or black and white) society suggests the yearning for individual expression. The Three contemporary Graces of Jon Kraja raise the curiosity of the audience towards the complexities of human relationships and the struggle for identity within a modern context.”

The opening event was attended by many art lovers .


Being On Your Own and Being For Yourself

Being On Your Own and Being For Yourself 
Majlinda Kelmendi
2.11 > >30 .11.2023 

Qënia Me Vete: Pjesa fillestare e ekspozitës shfaq momentet e vetmisë dhe eksperimentimin personal përmes veprave artistike që zbulojne ndjenjat e thella të individëve. 

Përtej Vetëmisë: Në këtë segment, vizitorët do të shqyrtone lidhjet dhe mënyrat e ndryshme ndërmjet nierëzve në botën e sotme, duke perdorur eksperiënce interaktive. 

Qënia Për Vete: Përfundimisht, ekspozita ruan nje fokus të vecante në zhvillimin personal dhe aftësite që bejne ndryshim në botën që na rrethon. Përvojat e ndryshme të përdorura do të theksojne pavarësine dhe kreativitetin. 

Being Alone: The initial part of the exhibition showcases moments of solitude and personal experimentation through artworks that reveal the deep feelings of individuals.

Beyond Loneliness: In this segment, visitors will explore the connections and ways people connect in today’s world, using interactive experiences.

Being For Yourself: Ultimately, the exhibition maintains a distinct focus on personal development and the skills that make a difference in the world around us. The different experiences used will emphasize independence and creativity.

Mbi artisten 
Majlinda Kelmendi ka lindur në tetor të vitit 1966 në Tiranë. Në vitet 1986-1990 kreu studimet universitare në Akademinë e Arteve, Tiranë. Në vitet 1999-2000 ka kryer studimet pasuniversitare / Master i Arteve në Fakultetin e Arteve, Universiteti i Prishtinës. Puna e saj ndikohet kryesisht nga tema që trajtojnë proceset e transformimit social, politik dhe ekonomik, histori dhe tema socio-politike në rajon dhe më gjerë. Puna e saj mbulon një gamë të gjerë mediash, duke përfshirë instalimin, videon, vizatimin, pikturën, fotografinë dhe performancën. Ajo ka ekspozuar gjerësisht në galeri të ndryshme, muze arti me grupe dhe ekspozita personale, duke përfshirë MLAC-Museum, Romë Itali, Galerinë Kombëtare të Kosovës, Galerinë Domus Romana, Romë, Itali, Budapest Hungari, Vjenë Austri, Gjermani, Amerikë, Portugali, Poloni, Spanjë, Belgjikë, Bullgari, Francë, Republika Çeke etj. Që nga viti 2000 dhe aktualisht është profesoresh në Departamentin e Artit Konceptual dhe Mediave të Reja në Fakultetin e Arteve, Universiteti i Prishtinës.

About the artist 
Majlinda Kelmendi was born in October 1966 in Tirana. In the years 1986-1990 he completed his University studies at the Academy of Arts, Tirana. In 1999-2000 he completed postgraduate studies / Master of Arts at the Faculty of Arts, University of Pristina.
Her work is mainly influenced by topics that address the processes of social, political, and economic transformation, history, and socio-political topics in the region and beyond.
Her work covers a wide range of media, including installation, video, drawing, painting, photography, and performance. He has exhibited extensively in various galleries, art museums with the group and personal exhibitions, including MLAC-Museum, Rome Italy, National Gallery of Kosovo, Domus Romana Gallery, Rome, Italy, Budapest Hungary, Vienna Austria, Germany, America, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Czech Republic, etc.
Since 2000 and is currently a professor in the Department of Conceptual Art and New Media at the Faculty of Arts, University of Pristina.


Faces of uncertain time

“The self-portraits of Mikel Temo are realized in one of the most unusual periods, that of the pandemic, of the crisis, of all the cracks experienced by humanity. They can be read as a hint, as a metaphor of running away from the isolation, loneliness, nightmare, from all the crises modern man experiences.


Discovery art fair

For its participation in Discovery Art Fair Cologne, Gallery70 will feature the artists Martin Stommel (b.1969) DE and Jon Kraja (b.1970) AL , presenting artworks created during 2022 and 2023, exhibited for the first time to the public during the art fair.


Disparate Alleys

Gallery70 is happy to host a group exhibition from Los Angeles based artist collective Durden and Ray. Los Angeles is a city where all the world’s cultures convene, Disparate Alleys highlights this distinguishing feature of the city.