September 7 >October 28, 2017

Opening Reception : September 7, 6-8pm
Gallery 70 at Toptani Shopping Center Ground Floor, Tirana
Photo: Jon Kraja Painting, Acrylic on Canvas, 150X150 cm,
The dark side of the moon, the main part of the drifting iceberg beneath the surface are known metaphors of the subconscious .The imagination stands precisely in the dividing line between the visible and the invisible. Images, symbols, dreams that rise from the depths are projected in this plane , flat surface or canvas . A visual embryonic memory , the fluctuation of the primordial atom in the big bang, the obsession of a lunatic, or simply the electrochemical remnant of an image in the retina, opinions may vary. But the motive of the creator and the viewer is the same, it comes from the disturbed insides of the subconscious .
Text from Ardian Lama
Jon Kraja is born in 1970 in Tirana, Albania where graduated from the Arts Academy. He has developed an original style mostly based on autodidact research. His works are featured in collective and personal exhibitions, both in Albania and abroad: Switzerland, Germany, USA, France and Netherlands .To discover more about the artist
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For visits by appointments:
Toptani Shopping Center, Rruga Abdi Toptani, Ground Floor Tel :+355682041859 /+355692041859; Open Monday to Saturday 5-7